To celebrate 10 years since the inception of the label BiP_HOp + his 25 years of activism/DJing, Philippe Petit of Strings of Consciousness composed a 70+ minute soundtrack and cut it into pieces which were sent to friends to add their spices to. The Wire magazine liked the idea and agreed to give it away with their issue # 301, in March 2009. Philippe was so kind to send us 200 compilation cd's as well which we will give away for free to the first 200 people who order the Strings of Consciousness & Angel lp in our webstore.
The Cd will offer 80 minutes of exclusive music by:
01) BELA EMERSON (feat. vocals from RANDALL FRAZIER) & Philippe Petit
02) AIDAN BAKER & Philippe Petit
03) CHAPTER 24 & Philippe Petit
04) COSEY FANNI TUTTI & Philippe Petit
05) SIMON FISHER TURNER & Philippe Petit
06) KLANGWART & Philippe Petit
07) DOUGLAS BENFORD & Philippe Petit
08) dDAMAGE & Philippe Petit
09) MARKOVO & Philippe Petit
10) KUMO & Philippe Petit
11) EUGENE S. ROBINSON (courtesy of OXBOW) & Philippe Petit
12) SEVERIN 24 (feat. vocals from KATHY COMPTON) & Philippe Petit
13) JASON FORREST & Philippe Petit
14) LYDIA LUNCH & Philippe Petit
15) JEAN-HERVÉ PERON (art-Errorist/Faust) & Philippe Petit
16) JUSTIN K. BROADRICK & Philippe Petit
17) STRINGS OF CONSCIOUSNESS (Hervé Vincenti & Philippe Petit)
18) SYBARITE & Philippe Petit
You can still add the Strings of Consciousness lp to your wishlist here
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