From the Climax Golden Twins website:
After far too long we have updated our humble website: www.climaxgoldentwins.com
There are new mp3s to steal in the "Listen" and "Victrola Favorites" sections. There is a "Look" section with many many many photographs...of us...of our friends...of our enemies...and of our pulchritudinous interests. This section is still somewhat under-construction but you can enjoy it in all its nascent glory right now, even as we speak, and rest assured it will soon be up-dated and expanded upon.
ALSO! Take note! There is a blog like creature lurking on the site for news, photos, quotes, fragments, links, bits, pieces, events, releases, climax occurrences, sounds, films, stuff for sale, and more besides. It will be updated frequently so check back. Hell, make it your home page or download it to your frontal lobe and insert it some place nice.
In other news, CGT is again venturing out into the world for some shows. We'll keep the website updated with any changes...but for now here are the facts:
February 14
(Valentine’s Day, so bring your intimate apparel)
at Towne Lounge 714 SW 20th Place
with Factums and Ilyas Ahmed
February 15
at Fools Foundation 1025 19th street Suite O
with Factums and Charalambides
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (three shows! and they'll all be different...in theory...)
February 16
at Hemlock Tavern 1131 Polk Street
with Factums and The Why Because
February 17 EARLY SHOW!
at the Exploratorium in San Fran: 3601 Lyon Street
Early show at 1:00pm!
This will be an ambient/collage show with accompanying film all based on our collections of 78rpm records and ephemera: music and design from all over the world, or rather the world of pre-1930…
February 17 EVENING
705 Peralta Street
in lovely West Oakland, near the 7th street BART station
probably starting around 9:00pm or maybe later? more info on this later...really...I promise...
featuring a crazed turntablist, 78rpm DJ, Factums, and Marauder and Alibi
February 21
at Gallery 1412 1412 18th Ave East
with Matt Valentine & Erika Elder and Charlambides
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